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My number 2 child just started school. Ahh kindergarten. The up’s and downs, highs and lows. The tempers, the hugs, the tears and the joy. I have already got one child at school so I did expect all for this plus more with my overly excited 4 year old (who turns 5 in March).
But what I didn’t expect was to be called in for a meeting in the 4th week of school to talk about learning difficulties.
I was given a letter to attend a meeting with the support teacher and my daughters two main teachers to talk about some minor (but to me MAJOR ) difficulties. So my initial concern was that she was being a bully and not listening. To set a little bit of a scene, I am talking about a very tall little girl who is already 34 kilos so when she stands next to any of her classmates she towers over them.
But this was not the case. It turns out her speech isn’t quite up to par and her ability to retain anything isn’t there either. I was not ready to hear that.We play memory games at home and let me tell you this child has absolutely no problem beating me in every game.
I do know that she pronounces ‘C’ as ‘T’, but we are slowly working that out.
So needless to say I walked out of the office after an extensive “chat”, with the biggest lump in my throat and rock in my stomach. Maybe make it a boulder.
What have I done wrong? Was I so illusive to her needs?. Did I have my children too close together? Did I go back to work too soon?.
WHAT? what was it.
My daughter in year one also needs this special attention. The one on one thing with Lexia online reading needs to be completed a lot more. She has been enrolled into online learning of a morning at the school.
So I have come to the conclusion that instead of wollowing in self pity I am going to put that emotion into something constructive for my girls. I went out and bought bikes so I can direct their attention to another field instead of to the internet. And hopefully tire them out enough for a good nights sleep.
And twice a week we will have intensive homework days.
Lets hope this is enough.
Wish me luck!,

Posted by candicebrown, 19th February 2016

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  • If your daughter went to kindergarten normally they would pick up on speech.
    One of mine was behind in speech and the daycare given us a report about it when we picked her up one day.
    What is the difference between on-line reading and reading printed books???
    On-line reading is likely to cause neck problems because they bend their necks forward instead of picking of picking a book up. It doesn’t do a child’s eyes any favours either.


  • Best of luck, Mama!

    Try not to take too much on board. Every child develops at a different rate, and no two individuals will ever be the same.

    Definitely help out where you can, but also try to focus on the things your girls excel at. Where one ‘subject’ is less understood, there is always another which is advanced.

    You can do this, you’re doing great. 🙂



  • Don’t stress, remember children learn and develop at different rates. If you give your daughter the help she needs she’ll get there.


  • You have done nothing wrong.
    It is not your fault.


  • It’s such a shock to hear something like this especially when they do so well at home. What a beautiful attitude you’ve taken! Sometimes kids just have difficulties regardless of how we parent. Sounds like they have a good mum to look after them!


  • It is incredibly hard, but take heart from the fact that early intervention can make it better in the long run.


  • Best of luck! Sounds like you did everything you could, not your fault! It’s hard not to blame yourself but you’re doing a wonderful job. Remember too to trust your gut instinct. Teachers don’t always get it right.


  • Its not something parents want to hear that the kids may have a issue or two. But speaking from one mum to another whos kid has had issues with speech and more. My Eldest son started private speech theorpy due to his issues at 4 and now a couple of years later we are starting to wind down the sessions due to him having caught up to where he should be.. But having seen him struggle when his younger brother started having issues at three years old we jumped straight into the sessions. And with in 6 months of fortnightly sessions he is doing great still. I found my kids responded better to a play based speech theropist (in our house) than one that sat in a office trying to get your kids to talk. They also responded better to her changing the sounds of their words that they did to me trying..
    Its also great that you are getting the kids out and about in the world with the riding bikes etc, there is no better learning experience than been out and about. The things they could learn is great..


  • oh please don’t get me wrong I am so happy they are taking so much care of her and recognising this early…. its just scary.

    • Of course! Because you are mum and because you care, anything that involves your children has a deep impact. We feel everything for our children and just want the very best for them. Guilt has no place and is not positive. You are involved and being proactive, stay strong and make sure someone cares for you too! Good on you!


  • Early intervention makes a huge difference to educational outcomes and many children do receive early intervention. It is a good thing when teachers pick up on the needs of all of the children in their classes.


  • Everyone has strengths and weaknesses – hope you find a way to make your little ones shine. You should be glad the teachers raised concerns early on in the term – it allows for things to be nipped in the bud early and will be great for your kids in the longer term. Its hard to hear this kind of thing. Stay strong and keep encouraging your kids to keep trying – effort and perseverance are the main things.


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