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I recently gave birth to our second child, a gorgeous little girl (we also have a 20 month old son).
My first child was a C-section as he was in breach. There was no reason I couldn’t have a VBAC this time if everything progressed naturally. I went into labour 12 days before my due date. The labour didn’t progress naturally and breaking my waters didn’t help – so I was taken off for an ’emergency’ C-section (although it wasn’t really an emergency). This all went fine and our gorgeous little girl was born without issues.
However, whilst in recovery my uterus wouldn’t contract and I continued to bleed. Despite all the Obs best efforts to stop the bleeding, I had to go back into surgery in an attempt to put in a balloon- and failing that, they would need to remove my uterus. Unfortunately the balloon didn’t work and a hysterectomy was required to save my life.
We were only planning on having two children, but now it’s so final it’s a bit sad. I am extremely grateful for the two wonderful children I have, and for being alive. But I would like to hear from others who went through something similar and any tips to help recover emotionally.
It was also a very difficult time for my husband who was wondering why it was taking so long for me to join him and our baby after the C-section (he eventually asked a nurse and was provided with regular updates after that point) – and he had to call family and say we’d had the baby but now my life was in danger, which was a very difficult thing to do.
Posted anonymously, 16th September 2014
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