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Im 24, a wfie and mother of 3. A 6yr old boy & 2 yr old twins. I was put in the high risk breast & ovarian clinic at the end of 2010 after mum was diagnosed with breast cancer and after she went through her family history and it was revealed that I am very high risk due to my strong family history of cancer. I decided in Aug 2011 that the best option for me was to have a prophylactic mastectomy & reconstruction to reduce my risk of getting breast cancer. My team of doctors advised me that was my best option. My mum is on board and supportive along with my husband and a few friends and the charity/community Pink Hope that Im an ambassador for. Unfortunately Ive had alot of negative comments and feedback from family (my sister being one), friends & strangers which has really got me down. I know im doing the right thing for myself and for my family and wouldnt put them through what i went through when my mum was sick. I havr also been waiting over a year and its also very draining mentally & emotionally. I just thought id have more support…..vent over 🙂

Posted by mrsgreen12, 8th October 2013

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  • I hope it all went well and that your health is good.


  • this story is good


  • its a good story to read


  • You’re right. I would have excepted more support.


  • Honestly, you would think family would at least be supportive, you do what you think is right for you and your family – that’s all that really matters.


  • You did good things for your family. Don’t give up.


  • this is an important issue. You do whats right for your family . you sister should be following in your footstep and not putting you down


  • & understandably so as you have gone through so much for someone of your age. It’s so sad that negative things have been said to you, sometimes it’s best to say nothing at all unless you’ve got something nice to,say. Surround yourself with the people who love you & support you. I wish you all the best & what a brave decision to have made. My mum had a mastectomy at 38 so I have to be careful too 🙂


  • Wow thank you so much.
    I know I’m doing the right thing so nothing anyone says will change my mind, I know ignorance plays a big part in people’s opinions but they obviously dont understand how hurtful some comments can be.
    Ive been told by people: Im too young, I should wait until I actually get cancer and worst of all I’m doing it for a free boob job 🙁 Which is way out of line because if they have actually seen the end result, it is nothing like a boob job. Its quite horrible actually but certainly better then cancer!

    I am an Ambassador for an amazing charity/community called Pink Hope. They are so fantastic and supportive and its the only Australian charity that supports High risk women along with cancer victims etc which is great because even though alot of us dont have cancer we are very high risk and KNOW that we are a ticking bomb. Angelina coming out about her surgery helped the charity so much but getting us out there and awareness that there are PREVIVORS that need support, information and help also.

    Pink Hope just had its annual fundraiser called Bright Pink Lipstick Day (20th Sept) and while I was fundraising for that from July – Sept, I raised $3,000 on my own. I then realised I had more support then I thought and it completely made all the bad, negative comments vanish 🙂

    Im very proud of myself and my decision and just cant wait to get the surgery over with so I can live life without the fear of When is it going to be my time to get cancer.

    Again thank you for your kind, supportive words, They mean so much. I have a blog if your interested in reading following, http://previvorgem.blogspot.com.au/ xx


  • Oh Hun, sorry to hear that you have had such negative support from family, an outrageous comments from strangers.
    You should be commended on putting your health and your family first. I know I’m a stranger, but I am so proud of you. You are so incredibly brave & are doing a wonderful thing to help preserve your life and live out your roll as a mum. I’m glad your hubby, mum & medical team have been supportive. To anyone that doesn’t have something helpful or positive to say, they can bugger off, they aren’t directly impacted from what you are doing, so let them have their selfish naive thoughts.

    Hang in there sweetie, and good in you for taking action xx


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