11 Comment
I don’t think I’m alone here, although looking at Facebook and all the posts about being Monday tomorrow put up every Sunday, and on Mondays all the post about it being Monday AGAIN, I know I’m in the minority.
My reasons for loving Monday’s are purely selfish. I like routine, and with a 2 year old, it’s not always possible. On weekends any routine we do have (naps, decent bed times, not too much TV etc) seem to all go out the window! It’s hard to expect the tween and teen to be quiet at nap time and to not get their brother too hyped up before bed, and when he hears them awake later at night, it’s harder to get him to settle.
Monday comes with it’s rush or school lunches, “where is my notice/shirt/PE gear Mum?”, and “we are going to be LATE MUM” and I must say I feel a rush of relief as we slip back in to a more manageable week day routine.
I know many love weekends for a sleep-in but with a toddler that rarely happens.
Tomorrow morning when many are groaning, I will be leaping out of bed with joy knowing things will be less hectic.
OK, so maybe not leaping, and maybe not tomorrow as the teen is sick…
Posted by Kymichelle, 18th August 2013
BellaB said
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kymichelle said
- 18 Aug 2013
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