

Tonight Master Six looked at me, a big smile spreading across his face.

“Mummy!” He said, patting my stomach. “I see that your tummy is getting all round and fat. You must be growing another baby!”

No, I’m not. And I said so. He smiled at me cheerfully.

“I guess you’re just getting fat with lots of food, Mummy.”

This is the child who gave me chocolates for my birthday!

Posted by BellaB, 26th April 2014

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  • Kids always say the most brutally honest things lol


  • Oh dearly me! You have to see the funny side with kids hey? From the mouths of babes and all lol


  • great story to read


  • Got to love the no filter of children haha but they love us no matter what!


  • awww got to love a food baby


  • Ha ha ha, I just love the honesty that kids come out with. Don’t worry it happens to all of us.


  • children are so honest they don’t realise they offend!


  • Kids just say whatever is on their mind!


  • They only repeat what they hear, just say my tummy stretched because of you, but it kept you warm and fed :)..


  • hahahaha got to love kids, maybe he was just hinting that he wants a sibling ;)


  • My daughter recently asked “Why is your tummy so big?” :-\


  • Maybe its a hint he wants another baby brother or sister to play with. Very cute!!!


  • Lol. I had the same sort of thing happen a few years ago, when it was putting on weight. My son whispered to my friend “Mummy’s getting bigger isn’t she?”


  • kids…have to love them lol don’t take it to heart. I have lost alot of weight and My Son and My daughter older ones hate it as my Son said I never had a skinny Mum and I don’t like having a skinny Mum. As even thou my Son is 27 we still wrestle now he is really worried about breaking me and is always telling my Grandson and so does my Daughter don’t break Nanny when we wrestle. My Son was very blunt when he was little he would have a friend over or when I met one of his friends Mum’s or went to school to see the teacher and say this is my Mum and she is just fat. My weight loss has actually worried my kids. So just know they will love you very much no matter what they say and deep down don’t want you to change


  • My 3 year old tells me that there’s a baby in my tummy all. the. time. There’s absolutely NO tact is there! Time to stop baking those yummy recipes on this site I think!


  • my 5 year old tells me I have a fat belly lol, i still fit size 10 clothes so it cant be that bad


  • Hahaha oh no! The things children say! I’m sure you’ll get a lot more of those kind of comments as he grows!


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