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The wind up to Christmas is stressful & crazy enough without any added excitement. However, some strange force in the Universe decided I needed more excitement. Wednesday was interesting. I took my 70 yr old widowed dad who has Parkinson’s to A&E with Gastro symptoms in the morning & picked him up at lunch with the Dr telling me he needed to keep up his fluids & use medication for constipation. After taking him home I raced off to collect 12 yr old from School to take her to appointment to see her Psych. Leaving this appt I rang dad to check on him. He was still sick & I suggested he go back to A&E. He said he’d think about it. I told him I would ting him again when I got home. When I rang him he didn’t answer either his home or mobile phone so, I drove to his house to find house unlocked & no one home. Neighbour thought she saw an ambulance so I rang them & was told that due to confidentiality they couldn’t tell me if dad was picked up in an ambulance. After ringing several hospitals I found him. Glad he was safe I let the Dr there know of some concerns & was told he would be kept in & they would look in these. Ringing to see how he was in the morning I was told that he’d been discharged at 11.30pm!! So, once again I called him to check on him and there was no answer. Back to his house I go to find him getting out of his car after taking neighbour to mechanic. He’d discharged himself because he didn’t want to sleep in A&E all night.
Grateful he was safe I went home looking forward to the rest of the week being quiet. WRONG!! Today I found some Grinch had pick pocketed my handbag and taken the $500 I had in there to pay bills with today. I’m so hoping yo have a QUIET & uneventful weekend.
Merry Christmas everyone.
Posted by bronnyc, 5th December 2014
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