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It is hard to believe that statement sometimes when nothing seems to go right in life that your world can crumble down around you in a blink of an eye literally and we are never prepared but we have to make choices to fall down in a heap or go on and be grateful for those things we do have in our life.

My life has not been easy and well the last 7years the hardest starting from the taking of my beautiful daughters when one was only 12weeks old and breastfeeding and seeing the horrific trauma they went through as little ones and still suffer the effects of the nightmare, diagnosing of my husband with schzophrenia, the hospitalization of my mother in law with dimensia, accidently running over my dog, the 2011 floods, having to move out and then having baby after it and watching my daughter suffer fear everytime it storms having panic attacks, the traggic death of my Mum that made the news and my husband blaming himself for it when was nowhere near the accident, the diagnosis of my oldest and dearest friends breast cancer, my husband having to go on disability pension and trying to survive while schooling children, the passing of my mother in law, my little boy almost dying from an asthma attack and watching helplessly and my own health not so good.

Well guess what I am still grateful I have my beautiful family with all the tears the laughs and I mean hysterically laughing my husband is getting better on great medication thanks to a really good doctor my girls are growing with the oldest wearing my shoes and she is just 9yrs we live in a small house but it is ours with a huge yard for them to run and play for always my Mum suffered much physically and now she is without pain I miss her so much but she is in a far better place. My friend had mystectomy and is free of cancer YAHOO! My Mother in Law is also no longer in pain and is resting with her boys, we still have bills but that is part of life and well just when I think oh where am I going to get some bread money a voucher comes in just in time not much but just enough and guess what WE are a FAMILY and Happy that is what I give thanks for in ALL things and well if this encourages just one person too you make my day take heart you are never alone we all have our battles some have more scares than others but if we have each other and are not alone then we will get through and look at the rainbows not the storm clouds.

Posted by karrots57, 18th September 2013

Post your story
  • yes look at the rainbows, not the rain


  • its a nice story to read


  • it s great


  • Even though you’ve had tremendous hardship, you attitude is extremely positve.


  • I hope life is better for you since you posted this.


  • You’ve really had some hard times. I hope things have improved for you since you posted this story. Your positive attitude and appreciation for your family is inspirational.


  • You really faced some hardships it is great to see your positive spirit still remains.


  • Great story, very inspirational. I am glad you can see the rainbow sometimes we lose focus


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