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My Daughter is about to under go IVF yet again she has seen her specialist to find out with the one child she has was an emergency C section and they when they did it some how cut her ovaries and they are now damaged and scared so finger cross they can do an egg pick and and she is going to try as she has nothing to loose. She has to do every thing possible so she knows she has every chance as she has had 2 babies born with there angel wings Cody her first child and instead of bringing home she come home with a rug and a funeral to plan and the last was Sienna born after a 6 and half hour labor in emergency to once again have bubby sent off for autopsy than to lay her to rest but the insult was she had to pick her Daughter up her self than transport her to be cremated and when she went to pick her up she was handed 2 buckets one with her Daughter in one with her after birth in even the guy that stayed open to cremate her was horrified. At least Cody was delivered to the funeral place and he was treated with the utmost respect. Her Husband is sterile so she has no other choice and as well as the heart ache comes the cost almost $1000 for an amppee mil of sperm than the procedures and medication as well as injections daily. So after her visit the meds she was put on she has decided to say on them for the next couple of months to make sure she has a good intake before going for a now unsure egg pick up and all this time cost to keep the sperm frozen and than if she does get eggs turning them into embryos and then cost of keeping them frozen. Then for her the next step the uncertain if she falls pregnant but if she does will baby be born alive and will the doctors listen and each time she always present with a letter and instructions from her specialist but some how they get ignored. This time she is going to a different hospital for high risk births she tried last time but they would not touch her as she was classed as to high risk but she has told the hospital they will never touch her again and has demanded a referral to the hospital for high risk and as a back up she has joined private health and her time is up that she can use it. as a Mother to her you feel so lost and unable to help and make everything go alright all I can do is be there for her as I was at all the births and than help her if it goes wrong with the arrangements but I can’t put her broke pieces of her heart back together. It is so hard when it is some thing you can not fix or make better for your child, So I have fingers and toes crossed every thing goes alright and she hears the news she wants that she can try again.
Posted by arcticwynta, 25th March 2014
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