I’m sure we’ve all been there before, juggling multiple things, trying to keep them all simultaneously in the air while still keeping our heads above water.
As a worker bee, who returned to work when my daughter was 4.5months old, the juggling act became my life; until I made the steps to change it.
They weren’t drastic steps, I didn’t quit my job, or start a side hustle (which would be more juggling), in fact I merely just prioritised what was important to me.
Family first, which includes myself, I never feel guilty taking a day off for myself or my family, they can’t be replaced.
Happiness, I could feel myself slipping into a cycle I’d felt before, a cycle I’d struggle to get out of if I didn’t act quickly. My Happiness is one of my top priorities because I can’t fill from an empty cup and Happiness in particular is an emotion that I need to work on more frequently.
There are a few other rungs in my ladder of my priorities, and I found at the bottom, not the last thing, but towards the bottom was work. While I absolutely love my job, I’m paid for it, I trained for it and I know it like the back of my hand, heck I hold a master’s degree in it, it’s just not a priority high on my list, because I work so that I can pay the bills, I don’t work so that I can spend my weekends and weeknights working too.
Choose your priorities wisely; what is replaceable? I know for me, my job is.
Posted by Mumof2rugrats, 6th March 2022
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