8 Comment
I am amazed how people judge a book by it’s cover. My Husband is a very rough looking man but he is a marshmallow. When it comes to kids we call him the baby whisper. He is a Father of 2 and a Grandfather of 6 and he can put any of the babies to sleep with ease and calm them when no one else can. We were in town one day with one new born and 2 old ladies watched my husband with the child as he was alone and 1 came up and said to him they could not believe how rough he looked but how gentle and loving he was with the little one and nothing ruffled his feathers and stay calm and they were amazed how he had no problem rocking and singing to her in public. We have lost 2 Grandchildren first was still born and IVF and my husband broke down and sobbed his heart out for our perfect Grandson and our Daughter and than she went into early labour and we lost our Grandaughter which he again took hard. So please don’t judge a book by it’s cover and men feel just as much as we do. Our Son also has his Fathers heart and the same with children. Our oldest Grandchild is 12 now and she still makes it clear to the others that is HER Grandad and she is his girl and does not like too share him even thou her sister is the only other girl, but in saying that when all the kids are together we have had fights over who’s Grandad he is more. Just keep in mind there are men out there who’s hearts are full of love and kindness no matter how they look or how covered in tattoos they are. You hear so much about Dads that don.t do right but I know 2 in my life that would lay their life down for any of them. My Dad was also this type of man when he was alive.
Posted by arcticwynta, 25th September 2013
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