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I am vertically and horizontally challenged! That is, I am short and wide! This makes shopping anywhere there are shelves with products high up an even bigger challenge! Usually I can find a tall person to help me retrieve a product I am after on a top shelf but on this occasion I seemed to be the only one in the supermarket.
Looking up at the tin of champignons I needed for my stir fry I asked myself if I really needed them. The answer was yes! A quick look around and still no sign of a tall person so I proceeded to scale the shelf. With one hand on a higher shelf I stood on the bottom shelf and tried to reach but the damn champignons were not at the front and I still couldn’t reach far enough back. Two feet on the bottom shelf and “bang, crash, opera” the bottom shelf slammed to the ground. As I tried to keep grasp of the top shelf it slammed to the floor along with a mountains of cans that somehow avoided my feet!
To my embarrassment a store worker came round the corner of the isle to see what the noise was and was concerned I was OK. I felt my face go bright red as I pulled a can of champignons from the wreckage and screamed, “Got them! You know you really should employ a “tall dude” for this sort of stuff” as I picked myself up and made a scurry to the checkout!
Posted by rachkap, 2nd August 2014
hopefullyheidi said
- 25 Oct 2015
mom113055 said
- 17 Oct 2015
dannsbuild said
- 29 Sep 2015
mom81879 said
- 06 Sep 2015
Naomi said
- 31 Aug 2015
mom108638 said
- 03 Jun 2015
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