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After many months searching for some fitness activities to do I was delighted to stumble upon the Live Life Get Active initiative (see their website https://livelifegetactive.com/about/ ) and their FREE outdoor fitness classes – from yoga to kick boxing to circuit training!
What I’ve discovered so far is that the group provide fitness classes everyday of the week, apparently working with local councils who must help fund them. Some cities run groups in multiple venues, others just have one or two. You can sign up with the site and then book into classes you choose and then just turn up and join in a small outdoor group workout!
The initiative also has a Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/livelifegetactive/ ) although you manage your class bookings from the main website once you have joined and created your account. Your goals can be to lose weight or just tone your body and stay in a healthy state.
Today was a circuit day and after a short warm up there were various activities to do for about 1 minute each including runs, squats with kettlebells, dumbell weights, individual medicine ball work, passing medicine ball to partner, kick boxing with partner, runs over hurdles and rope flick. The circuit was repeated twice. Then there was some challenge planking followed by a warm down.
I really enjoyed the workout that you could take at your own pace, pushing yourself or taking it easier if necessary. It was great to use some equipment that I don’t have at home and be guided through the exercises (better than watching Youtube videos that I have known to do in the past!).
So I hope to include some of these classes in my weekly routine. I love the flexibility that they give- booking and canceling from the website – and of course that they are free! I can opt in or out as circumstances allow and there is nothing to lose! (except perhaps some weight!)
Posted anonymously, 5th April 2017
mom81879 said
- 10 Apr 2017
mom93821 said
- 06 Apr 2017
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