
7 Comment

My 5 year old son who has Autism Spectrum Disorder walked in on me whilst I was on the toilet. My son looks at me and points shouting Mum, Mum, Look! Your Doo Doo is broken. I have tried to explain to him that females do not have doo doo’s only males do but he still does not understand he is telling everyone about my broken doo doo. My son has troubles just trying to define what female and male is as his IQ is in the range of mildly intellectually disabled. Any advice on how I can try and get my son to understand would be great!

Posted anonymously, 29th November 2014

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  • Your darling little son is priceless!


  • I honestly have no advice better than the mummies that have already posted.

    But as a Mummy outside the box.. I just wanted to say that I think your son is super adorable… Really, thats damn cute! 🙂 lol


  • maybe you could buy a book to help with this situation


  • All kids have trouble with this concept especially if they dont have any siblings of the oopposite sex, it is embarrassing and cringe worthy but just keep trying and maybe ask his specialist for advice


  • i can’t offer any advice on how to tackle this one, but I know when we see my sons Dr for his condition, as she is a specialist in this area, she always has great advice and ways to explain things.


  • My unchallenged kids have problems with this concept too.


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