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i had my first child at the age of 23, not as young as some i know but it turned me off having my second child for 7 years, my pregnancy was going well, no morning sickness, i was so lucky, i didn’t even start showing till i was 7 months pregnant, nearing the end of pregnancy my baby was presenting breech, my doctor sent me for a scan to see if i could have the baby the natural way, the tests come back saying yes i was wide enough to pass the baby ok. one morning in the early hours my waters broke, i rang the hospital and they said have a cup of tea then you had better head in, it was over an hour away, we lived in the country miles away from anything. we got to the hospital and checked in, by 10 am they said everything was going well, then around lunchtime they told me that if things weren’t going faster they would have me booked in for a c section for 2 pm. 2 pm came and they said that things were going fine we’ll cancel the c section, they gave me lunch and said you will have the baby soon. By later that night i was pushing then it would all go away then it would come back on a few hours later, by the early hours of the next day and a midwife change over they examined me, then a panic was on, they called the doctor, he told me we are going to have to do an emergency c section, then it was all go they had an argument with me about what way we were going i said i had had enough and wanted to be knocked out, i was exhausted, it seemed to go on for a while but they respected my wishes and before i knew it i was asleep. it took me a while to come out of it, i was very groggy, it wasn’t till the next day that i knew what was going on, i looked around and no baby, i was soon told yes she is ok, you have had a little girl and she’s upstairs, i asked to go see her, she was in a crib, had a tube hanging out of her nose but she was beautiful. They explained that their was complications, she had stopped breathing and stressed then swallowed a heap of gunk, they had to clear our her airways, and keep an eye on her, it was another day later and she was allowed to join me, otherwise i was having to express milk so they could feed her through the tube. Then i got an infection at the scar, it spread right up to just under my boobs, they drew a line and monitored it to see if it was spreading or going, one nurse made the line into a circle right around then drew eyes and nose and mouth, just to lighten the mood, as each shift came on they would have a laugh, and it made me feel a bit better, it was going down, by 2 weeks after i had given birth i had got alot better and pleaded with them to go home they was reluctant, but they ended up letting me go but i had to have a nurse come to my house everyday for 2 weeks to dress my wound which was weeping, it took me about 6 months to get on my feet, i didn’t ever plan to have such a complicated birth, you hear some stories but most of them were positive. 7 years later i had my second child this was such a breeze i had another 15 months later, these were both organised c sections, which i stayed awake for and no more complications.
Posted by tassiemum, 20th October 2013
june11 said
- 20 Mar 2016
mom87666 said
- 01 Mar 2016
mom57522 said
- 08 Jan 2015
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