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It was the thrid day of the birth of my newborn daughter…Gorgeous Phoebe. My mum had come over to Sydney all the way from Malaysia to look after me. We rang the grandparents to inform them about this wonderful news but was bombarded with a horrible news instead. My maternal grandfather, was diagnosed with end-stage liver cancer. the doctors said that he has only a few more months left.

Because he is in his 80s, because the cancer has spread to most of the blood vessels, because it will be painful and unbearable…the doctor advised us to not proceed with any chemotherapy. My mum was stunned and started crying. Me, holding a crying baby was stunned too. We didn’t know what to do.

When the doctor informed my grandfather about the situation, he pleaded the doctor to save him. He said he can handle the pain. He wants to live…It was such a heartbroken moment.

He eventually undergone chemo and many other horrible treatment procedures. Both his eyes has gone blind from old age on top of chemo. But he is still fighting strong.

6 months has gone, my dear grandfather is still with us, fighting. We all wish we could share some of his pain but we couldn’t. I pray for him day and night. It kills us all to see him suffer like this 🙁

Posted by yyon4699, 15th October 2013

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  • great to read


  • Your story pulled at my heart strings, I wish your Grandfather and all of you the very best of wishes and much strength, what a brave man.


  • What a determine man your grandfather is.


  • What an inspiring, strong man your grandfather is and what a painfully heart wrenching story. I hope that his pain is taken away from him (and you all) soon.


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