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After a rather longwinded, and stressful few years, my life came to an abrupt halt in August 2013. A brutal car accident, some MRI’s and time off work came with a conclusive diagnosis of MS.
AS a mum to a toddler, main income earner, and regular Joe Social. this was a death sentence, or so I thought.
After some intense research, I undertook a life overhaul.
Started following a strict diet, as per www.msdietforwomen.com and made my family rethink their health strategies also.
I can’t say I’m well, or healthy but I am better than most. I have food, shelter, and love, and thats more than a lot of people. I have good days where I feel great, and bad days where I can’t even walk, but through it all, I have made the conscious decision to stay positive for my family, especially my daughter and not be a victim.
On top of it all, my partner suffers a rare and cruel genetic disease, FMF, which means he’s hospitalised quite frequently, so my stress levels are quite high anyway!
Would love to talk to other mums struggling with similar situations… Supporting each other is the only way through.
Posted by alisa_schioparlan, 5th March 2014
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