
9 Comment

Ok so my man is/was in the printing industry working alongside a difficult colleague, there’s always one. He pushed my man too far & well he got a bit of a shove against the wall so that is why he’s unemployed. Now to set the record straight my man is the most gentlest big bogan you’d ever meet & treats me like a princess so I was rather shocked. I went through all of the various emotions from sympathy, then anger, then disappointment which I think is normal as it’s a scary thing wondering how we are going to manage on my modest wage. I am now at the point where what’s happened has happened & I have to make the best of it. Our lifestyle has changed somewhat & we are finding we Re spending more quality time together at home doing simple things. I know everything will turn out ok because we have each other but boy it’s been tough.

Posted by sanjipanj, 4th October 2013

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  • As long as you have each other,that’s what counts! Wishing you and your man all the best for a great future!


  • When life gives you lemons…


  • my man lost hos job


  • It’s often the simple things that are the most rewarding.


  • You sound as if you are both very supportive of each other, and that is so precious and to be treasured. Even the gentlest of people can be pushed beyond their limits, and that your husband should suffer for a momentary lapse is most unfair. I hope that things are working out for you now.


  • I just noticed the date that you wrote this. I hope things have improved for you, but you sound as though you and your partner truly love each other, so I have faith that you will be ok.


  • hang in there . you are absolutely right about having each other. No doubt!


  • im glad you have more family time


  • Sorry to hear this – we too have recently been going through the job loss stage. It is hard, but in the end you band together and things seem to work out! Best of luck to you. 🙂


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