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The first time i was in labour was horrible it was so painful as the baby was right on my back and when i was younger i hurt my back as the wooden slate on the bed wasnt nailed in and a family member said it was ok to sleep and it moved and moved the disk in my back and i also got told i have scoliosis when i was first pregnant.
So everytime my back is sore my tummy is sore, which is really sore as you can imagine.
When i went into labour and got to the hospital i was only 4cm’s dilated and they tried giving me gas which didnt do much and i was in so much pain, they then turned it up once.
This labour went for 7 hours.
My 2nd labour was much the same a back labour and went for 4 hours.
The 3rd time i gave birth I went thru a midwife instead of a doctor and she gave me exercises and do on a ball which helped with my back so much and some other exercises for my back.
I gave birth kneeling this time and hunched over on the bed, it was so much easier this time and not as painful.
I feel the ball really helped with my back pain and with my labour.
It also helped not being on my back for once giving birth, it was much more comfortable and helped take away so much of the pain.
Amazingly it only took 2 hours to have my 3rd little girl.
thanks for reading this
Posted by melodydamom, 7th October 2015
mom111362 said
- 28 May 2016
mom94125 said
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BellaB said
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mum4107 said
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