18 Comment
I just wanted to share my success… Over the last few years I have struggled bad with my weight, and TODAY I have finally reached my goal I set for myself 3 years ago. I ballooned in at 92kgs on my very short frame – I didnt realise how Big I was until I saw a photo. I have always struggled with my weight and just thought, its me, Ill never be thinner and healthy looking. It took a toll on my health and my hair, my hair grew so thin. So I pledged to make a change. and I did. Was sooo hard but I stuck with it. There has been alot of falling off the wagon along the way and plateuing and no more weight would come off. But I just didnt give up. Today I stepped onto my weekly weight in and I am now…. 60kg A goal, a DREAM I never thought I would ever reach – when I set this gold this was a weight that would be compared to winning LOTTO.. just didnt think id ever make it. I just really wanted to share this with you all. As being a mum and a wife, and working sometimes we forget about us.. but now I say and think.. to give them the best MUM, WIFE AND WORKER I need to be the BEST ME! My best friend of 21 yrs isnt the biggest sentimental person but the words so said to me a few days ago, just warmed my heart and made me feel like this hard journey was worth it all. So if you ever think you can NEVER DO IT, WONT MAKE IT.. DONT dig deep and you will! Trust me ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!
Posted by miss_sammy, 8th June 2015
mom57522 said
- 16 Jun 2015
christial said
- 12 Jun 2015
miss_sammy replied
- 12 Jun 2015 , 9:34 pm
mom70050 said
- 12 Jun 2015
curlytops said
- 10 Jun 2015
miss_sammy replied
- 10 Jun 2015 , 7:39 pm
BellaB said
- 10 Jun 2015
Meghannn said
- 10 Jun 2015
blondie said
- 10 Jun 2015
mom93821 replied
- 10 Jun 2015 , 5:59 am
miss_sammy replied
- 10 Jun 2015 , 7:39 pm
mom94125 said
- 09 Jun 2015
mom103936 said
- 09 Jun 2015
EllenG89 said
- 09 Jun 2015
mom90758 said
- 09 Jun 2015
miss_sammy replied
- 10 Jun 2015 , 7:40 pm
mom93821 said
- 09 Jun 2015
mum4107 said
- 09 Jun 2015
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