16 Comment
I was walking around the shopping centre today and was horrified as to what I seen. This homeless man had a dog with him they were walking causing no harm at all. But someone had obviously called the ranger on this man and this ranger was no being nice at akl. The homeless man was crying screaming almost “please dont take my dog his all I have” the ranger did not care he was pushing the homless man around trying to take his dog by this stage there was a cowd of people sayinf leave him and his dog alone. The ranger wouldnt listen he was trying to take the dog simply because it wasnt on a leash. The owner was pleading with him saying what if I use my shoe laces nope that wasnt even good enough I felt sonsorry for him I ran into woolies and baught him a collar and a leash took it out and the ranger STILL said no its too late everyone was yelling at him. He ended up taking the dog to the rspca and issued the man with a 170 dollar fine and said it will cost u $80 to claim your dog back from the rspca amd gave him another piece of paper for that and he drove off. Everyone then walked away this poor man was crying I felt so sorry for him I said here mate have the collar and lead come with me lets go get your dog I took him to get his dog and paid both his fine and claim to get his dog. He was soo greatfull I felt great doing it. Yes it put me out of pocket but I believe in helping. And this poor man did not deserve to be treated that way.
Posted by jessica_leigh_elston, 8th October 2013
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