
5 Comment

A friend at work just asked me today : which is easier – working in the office? or being at home with the baby? ……. and for a moment, i was wondering if everyone of us has ever thought about this …. well, because for me, there isnt any… lol… i love working and i love being with my baby…. nothing is easy and nothing is difficult – at par 🙂

Posted by Nid, 4th November 2016

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  • Totally agree. I would have loved to have been able to work from home


  • Its great to have the opportunity to work at home close to your children


  • “Easier” depends on what I’m up for with the day! There were times sitting peacefully at a desk was just what I needed and at other times I’d rather have been doing the washing, playing lego and sorting out kids arguments over split paint. So there is no one answer WOuld be nice if you could be flexible and switch the task on and off (work v home) as you liked, but while the office could always wait, the kids never can, so in that sense ‘harder’ – no sick leave anyway!


  • It is ok to life both and to make choices that suit your family. It is different for everyone. 🙂

    • Oops! should read like and not life! 🙂


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