
8 Comment

When I was younger I used to Love being at the beach and putting a message into a bottle with my grandparents in the hope that someone would find it and answer……sadly nobody ever did.Now I would have loved to have done this with my children and grandchildren but I don’t want to litter our beautiful rivers&seas.So I started an idea leaving books I really enjoyed reading at bus-stops &shopping centre benches&on the bus etc.I put a sticker on the front saying……Hello I am an orphan book.My previous owner enjoyed me&left me here so someon else could also enjoy me.I have no home right now so I hope you will adopt me&read me&leave me in a publicplace so that I can find a new home&continue my travels.I started in Victoria Australia.My first owner would love to hear of my travels.My first owners email is…………………………….!My books I have left have been to the USA France the UK and around Australia and Germany.They have been on buses coaches&planes&I have had alot of people contact me through The email setup just for this and have made a few pen pals.It is really exciting when I get an email and hear what they thought of the books&where the books are now.The children wanted to do it with their books but sadly nowadays I dont believe it would be safe even if I did it with my email so instead they find the places to leave mybooks and when we get a reply we find the country on the worldglobe&I teach them about that country and they really enjoy it and say they are going to do this also when they are older with their children. 🙂

Posted by cheesy21, 19th November 2013

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  • There is a Website – google Bookcrossing – that facilitates this safely.


  • This is an interesting idea and glad you enjoy doing this book idea.


  • great story exellent


  • That’s such a wonderful idea.


  • Thankyou for reading my story and thankyou for your replies I agree it is somuch better than having them just gathering dust and this is somuch fun now 🙂 I hope that more mums will do this as reading is great and especially for children It would be a shame when the day comes and everybook is just online………It definately wouldnt be the same:-(

    • I love a soft cover or hard cover book; nothing quite beats the feel of turning the pages of a book.


  • What a great idea sharing the joy of reading a good book.


  • What a lovely idea,Orphan books can create new friendships. They should not be left on a shelf gathering dust but be passed on for others to enjoy


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