
9 Comment

We found out last year we were having a baby born the beginning of jan. We went to every appointment and took our 2 yr old son with us even for the ultrasounds. He was so excited. We moved towns and changed drs and then christmas came…. The dr told us we would be having a christmas baby and to get everything organised. (our due date was 5th jan) christmas day came and nothing….. we had a dr appointment on boxing day at the hospital. The dr checked me to see how far along i was as i had been in active labour for 5 days. Then BAM my waters broke and it all happend. My son and bf were in the room when our little princess was born. Its great seeing my son have so much love for someone so small and not realy understand his world has changed and he isnt the only one anymore. He is the biggest Mother hen there is. haha Helps me feed her and change her, i wouldnt change it for the world. i love my family and it is so very much complete just the 4 of us 🙂

Posted by crumbles, 24th January 2014

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