

I am sitting here in the dark writing this as I listen o my gorgeous 7 month old boy cry his heart out! I can’t stand doing this but don’t know what else to do – it breaks my heart. He goes to sleep fine which is a major improvement since was had a sleep nanny visit 2 months ago but he cannot seem to go long than 3-4 hrs at a time and will not go back to sleep until he has had a feed. He is a big healthy boy and does not need to feed 2-3 times a night for nutrition! Last week he slept from 7pm-5am for the first time so we know he can do it but he won’t on a regular basis. I am lost and need advice – maybe we just need to get the sleep nanny again or got to sleep school. Any comments from people who have been in a similar position and got through it would be great fully received!!

Posted by ollie70, 13th May 2013

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  • maybe he just wants cuddles. try putting him to bed earlier before he becomes overtired


  • it s a great top story


  • It’s hard when bub and mum aren’t sleeping.


  • It took us years to resolve sleep problems. Hope it’s better for you now.


  • Hoping that things have improved over the last few weeks.


  • I am actually in the same boat :(


  • I am thinking he is in pain … my daughter was like this and she had heartburn and reflux. so may I suggest making his milk formula thicker just by adding one extra scoop to it for all his feeds and see how that works.


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