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Id love to hear ideas on how you pay your teenagers pocket money . As a child I used to work with my father cleaning doctors surgeries and helping him with his carpet cleaning business after school and on weekends. I usually got paid $3 a shift, but that was 30 years ago. My 14 year daughter helps out with dishes, washing, emptying bins etc…. but what should be done out of the goodness of the heart and what should be paid for and how much is a fair amount? How do others work out a fair amount. I was thinking $10 a week and tell her she has to bank $5 every week and the other $5 is to do as she wishes, wether that be to bank it as well or spend it.I am on a small income.

Posted anonymously, 15th May 2014

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  • I’d say a set amount and certain jobs you just do because you live in the house too. I have instant money. I write jobs that I want done and tape money to them on the fridge. Eg. Pick up all dog poo instant $2.00. Jobs they can do but I normally do. Clean toilet instant $2.00. They don’t have chores but they have things they have to do.


  • I remember I used to get a certain amount depending on the job. Pocket money was paid at the end of the week. If I made my bed every day I’d get $2, dishes every night was $2, a bathroom was $5, vacuuming $5, ironing $3 and then my mum sewed for a living so if we cut the threads off for her we’d get money for that. It would depend how much we did as to how much we’d get. We never did all of that in a week so it wasn’t too bad. And if we missed a day of say, making our bed, we wouldn’t get our $2.

    I probably wouldn’t price certain jobs though because then they’ll only want to do the easy ones unless they desperately want the money (that’s what I did lol), so perhaps work out what you want her to do, see how much you think it’s worth and if it’s done consistently throughout the week, she gets paid on a Sunday or something. I don’t think I’d give more than $10 though. I do think it’s a good idea to teach them how to start saving so great idea about getting her to put $5 away – perhaps you could do it for her so you know it makes it to the bank?


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