3 Comment
What is the point?
What is the point of making a bomb?
Of laying it at the feet of the young and the innocent?
What is the point of this cowardly act?
Of the destruction, injury and death?
What is the point of creating fear
During a time of family fun and togetherness
What is the point?
What point are you trying to make with the death of a child?
A child with a message of peace
What is the point of this senseless act?
The loss, the pain, the terror
What is the point?
Because I don’t see,
I don’t understand
And if I, as an adult, don’t understand
How do I explain the unexplainable to my child?
A child only two years younger
Than the innocent boy who died
What is the point?
Written by chezj 18/04/2013
In honour of those who lost their lives in the Boston tragedy and in tribute to the Emergency Services men and women and civilians who ran into the fray to help the injured.
Posted by chezj, 18th April 2013
june11 said
- 06 Aug 2016
mom81879 said
- 09 Nov 2015
mom81879 said
- 06 Sep 2015
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