
68 Comment

My kids and I were on a walk this past weekend and my 3 year old daughter stops me and says,

“Mama, did you know that I came from your belly?” She was smiling and very happy with her question.

“Yes I did! You came out of my tummy!”

She smiled sweetly and said in a cute little voice “Yep, just like a poop!”

We laughed and laughed! It’s funny how they put things together!

Posted by hotsaucemama, 24th March 2014

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  • How sweet and innocent kids are 🙂


  • Oh if it was only that easy.


  • My kids (7 and 4) both say that babies get pooped out. It’s funny. Haha.


  • They’re so funny at that age! Love it!


  • so delightful, so true, so funny


  • Lol oh how funny are they at that age I know because my daughter is 2.5yrs and the things she does is just outrageous and funny.


  • It’s amazing what kids pick up at such a young age, lol.


  • That’s funny but also quite clever that she applied logic at this age.


  • I love the things kids say-so funny & amusing.


  • Yes, I’m sure delivery was reminiscent of a big poop.


  • Now that is just too cute for words


  • Got to love innocent minds, my granddaughter asked me how did I

    Got to love their innocence when they visualise their entrance into the world!


  • Was sitting around the dinner table at Mums place when i was pregnant with my first. My sister (8 at the time) pipes up “I know where babies come from! Your vagina!” My stepdad nearly choked on his hamburger and the rest of us cracked up laughing. Not a nice thought while eating though!


  • hahahahaha kids are so funny!!! My 3yo was giving me a demonstration today on how chickens “poo” out eggs!


  • how funny! kids are hilarious with what comes out of their mouths sometimes. i wonder what is going through my mr 4 and miss 2’s head sometimes


  • LOL that’s hilarious! There should be a special book written by all parents.. in regards to funny things kids say.. sometimes they come out with absoloute crackers! Bless them! 🙂


  • Ha! I love the things kids say.


  • Haha.. I remember thinking that as a child!


  • Yes, their minds work in funny ways.


  • Kids say the funniest things, usually when you least expect it.


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