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Right now I’m 3 weeks out from my prophylactic double mastectomy & reconstruction surgery.
The kast few years have been such an emotional rollercoaster for me I think it may all be catching up with me.
Im feeling a little emotional and think its alot to do with whats gone on
It all started in 2010 when Mum was diagnosed with breast cancer, it wasnt so much of a shock to me due to our family history and the fact Mum always said its not if its when. It was still heartbreaking for me. I was living with her and taking care of her throughout her treatment. I watched her go through so much. at the end of it, it actually made me stronger.
I was then put into the high risk category at the hospital and started my high risk journey that consist of MRI’s, ultrasounds and then preparing for my surgery.
During this time my neice was born with a syndrome that was a big shock to everyone. Nothing was picked up during my sister’s pregnancy and we all expected a healthy baby as she already had my nephew 3 yrs prior. I was pregnant with my twins at the time and was told a few weeks later when i was 23 weeks pregnant that my daughter twin 2 had a spinal condition. The doctors advised me to terminate her and keep her brother but couldnt tell me exactly what would be wrong, so we decided to keep her. I was not giving her up.
That same year (2011) we lost my Dad’s mum (my nanna) to cancer and a few months later we lost my Mum’s dad (my pop) also to cancer. I must say we were all broken already but 2012 wasnt such a bad year. I got married 🙂 Besides all my high risk appointments and planning my surgery we didnt lose anyone. We did have a cancer scare with my aunt but everything was good.
2013 flew by and came to a screaming hault on the 17th of December when I received a phone call, Dad had a fall and was in emergency. I went to the hospital, he had a big cut on his nose and the doctors were more worried about something else. He wanted to go home but they wouldnt let him. Dad spent 5 days in hospital and then the doctors told us he has stage 4 cancer and only had 4-8 weeks to live. My beautiful mum took him home, even though they have been divorced since 96. She took him back to the home they shared while married and the home we were a family. He was so happy to be home and the next 4 weeks were special. We spent almost everyday with Dad. Christmas came and went and I was so glad to still have him here. Then exactly 4 weeks since he got out of hospital he passed away. Very peacefully, in my old bedroom, with us all there. We all got to say good bye. He passed away the exact same day his Mum passed in 2011. Nanna came and took him with her 🙂
Im now currently recovering from my surgery, which was 12 hours and a week stay in hospital. I have a long road ahead of me and trying to keep positive. Im hoping my emotional state is just a phase and something i just need to do for now
Posted by mrsgreen12, 3rd May 2014
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