8 Comment
Well done you sound like such a busy lady with four children and all of those activities to organise! I too was forgetting things that I had to get done continuously. For some reason the iPhone reminders just didn’t work for me as I would switch them off. What worked for me and still does was keeping a diary of the tasks I needed to get done every day. Things as little as paying an electricity bill to booking my car in for a service. As I crossed things of the list and I could see what I had achieved I started to feel a real sense of accomplishment. You obviously enjoy the activities you are able to enjoy with your children,which is wonderful. I came to a point after moving house and also I have a touch of arthritis that I was so exhausted and sore that I did my first online grocery shop and found the experience an amazing time saving tool and in this case I was also in a bit of pain and suffering exhaustion from the move. Stumbling across this fantastic way of outsourcing a chore I hate anyway totally saved my very time poor life at this time. Sounds like you are doing a great job with four children and all those activities!
Posted by hopefullyheidi, 16th May 2013
june11 said
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