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I too am overweight…not because of my lifestyle but because of a chronic medical condition. I have Hypopituitarism, where my Pituitary Gland does not create Cortisol (which our bodies NEED or we die), so to replace this I need to take Prednisone and Cortisone daily. These medications wreak havoc on my body. They give me the ‘blown-up balloon-ish’ look. Which shows on my face and stomach area….And no matter what I do, I cannot stop taking the meds, so I can’t lose the weight. Plus the meds have over the past 13 years of taking them, affected my bones, muscles etc. This has resulted in spontaneous breaks of bones and spontaneous ruptures (twice) of my Achilles tendon, ruptured discs at L3/L4 – L4/L5 and L5/S1 of my spine. This has reduced my mobility greatly which also does not help the weight issue. It sucks because I do not want to be like this. I suppose I’m lucky though because I’ve never had to put up with feeling outcast because of my weight. I find everyone to be openly pleasant and friendly (unless I’m completely naïve and they’re all gossiping behind my back – in that case I prefer to be oblivious).
I am so sorry you feel the way you do. I find that repeating to myself over and over that ‘if people don’t like me, so what? I don’t need them!’ has probably helped. If I ever come across someone that is rude (which is rare) I let it roll off my back, nothing sticks!
People do need to stop judging others by appearance though, as nobody knows what that stranger in the street is going through in their life.
Posted by nita, 24th May 2013
mom113055 said
- 04 Apr 2015
mom57522 said
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- 10 Jun 2014
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