

Getting my daughter to get ready for daycare iin the mornings can be a nightmare. She insists on determining every item of clothing that she will wear from underpants thrugh to her dresses. One of our biggest challenges has been that having set up her drawers for ease of use (for me) her underwear and socks were in the top drawer of her cupboard and she can’t see into it, even standing on a stool. We had a system where I would get out 3 singlets, 3 pairs of undies and 3 pairs of socks and she would choose from those. Lately however, she has wanted to see EVERYTHING!
The other morning I was at the end of my rope with her demands and about to scream at her when I stopped. I occured to me that if I switched the contents of the bottom drawer (swimwear and odds and ends) with the top drawer, she could see everything and select for herself. End of fights AND she could do it whileI was out of the room.
The switch has worked wonders and she now willingly goes to select her underwear without me. This has been a timely reminder for me to search for win/win outcomes rather than butting heads with my daughter all the time!

Posted by mom121707, 25th June 2015

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  • big differnce


  • Such a good story. A reminder to pick your fights and don’t sweat the small stuff. Such a tiny change has made the biggest difference to your day. Sounds like your daughter is the makings of a little Miss Independence!


  • Well done on finding something that works for you.


  • Glad you found a way to solve your situation, it’s funny how a simple change can do so much.


  • yes my girls were more fussy with clothes. my boy isn’t


  • Incredible how a small switch can improve your life so much. Well done!!


  • Glad you found something that worked, my daughter use to be like that, not sure if its a girl thing, but I also ended up letting her select from only three items of each (tops, pants/skirts etc) but it didn’t last long before like yours she wanted to dress herself.


  • Finding ways to let them make some choices makes things a lot easier.


  • Good for you. Well done on switching and making life easier


  • That’s great you were able to find a solution to suit both of you!


  • yes i have this system in place too. my children pick what they like and it is easy! then when they can dress themselves all you have to do is laugh at the combos that they come up with!


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