
71 Comment

My middle child was born we found out he had spina bifeda.

2 days later we were taken to children’s hospital and saw the spina bifeda team. At this stage we were advised about the disability, that he may never walk, go to toilet, we had to wait for 10 months for a MRI to get the full diagnosis and form off the disability he had,.

He had mycomslygasol form and tethered cord so at 13 months they operated and disconnected his spinal cord from his lump on his bottom and closed the bottom of his spine up. He also has a butterfly vertebrae. He started walking a week after surgery, he has defied the odds and is nearly 7 and now plays football.

He’s our miracle child.

Posted by mikiajai, 9th April 2014

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  • wow he sounds like a strong boy and I’m glad to hear he’s doing so well!


  • Can’t imagine the rollercoaster of emotions you and your family went through. I bet it’s all worth it every time you see him smile.


  • That’s great I’m glad he can walk and play foot ball must be a huge relief he can do all the ‘normal’ stuff……
    My son also has a T6 butterfly vertabre and scoliosis

    • Did they tell you he couldn’t play certain sports, how is he going now, I would love to hear your story.


  • Thanks he is such a miracle to us I love reading all your wonderful replies thanks


  • That is inspirational to here he walking and playing footy,keep moving forward with love and strength .


  • Love happy stories. Give him a hug from me please


  • Sure sounds like a miracle. Thanks you for sharing this information with us.


  • Thanks for all the beautiful comments, he is definetly our miracle child, he amazes us everyday and talk about having a hugs nans most, he remembers things from when he was so little xx this photo is today getting trainers award at footy.


  • that is a wonderful story . goodluck with everything. godbless you all


  • Keep going, you know him best. Never give up


  • I believe miracle always happen so touching strory


  • Thats fantastic that he’s doing so well i bet you are so proud of him as you should be.


  • Oh wow what a beautiful story! Thankyou for sharing!


  • It is so difficult to have a child with a disability, but it’s such a joy to see them triumph over low expectations. Congratulations!


  • Thank you for sharing your story what an amazing little boy you have


  • Wow! Thats beautiful! What an amazing little miracle boy you have 🙂


  • Your story moved me, you certainly do have a miracle child.

    • Thanks so much, he surprises us everyday, it was so hard to have more children but we have 3 beautiful children.


  • Miracles do happen & he’s living proof of it! My niece was born with Spina Bifida too 33yrs ago & was operated on within hours of her birth. She walks unaided, has had a child & lives a normal life. Enjoy your little man!

    • Thanks I also have a girlfriend who has it and had gone to have 2 healthy children, she makes me more determined to let him be a normal child.


  • Your story just melts my heart so beautiful. Just goes to show if you believe and never give up miracles can happen. Very happy for your family.


  • That is incredible news! What a miracle and true fighter! So happy to hear great news like this!

    • Love sharing as you never know when people need to see success stories.


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