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So…I have two toddlers at home, which by themselves are pretty much a full time job. But, on top of that I also study online/correspondence full time. Lately, I have been lacking motivation to study and finding it hard to concentrate. So I booked an appointment with my GP and spoke to him about it to see what he thought. Turns out its depression. I immediately felt guilty about it though. Like I was a horrible mother for having something wrong with me…like I should be happy with life regardless. Is anyone else struggling with the daily juggle??? I feel like every smiley mother and baby picture i see posted on Facebook or Instagram makes me feel guilty about struggling.

Posted by ReLAYTable, 11th July 2013

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  • struggling


  • stories are great


  • I hope everything has come good for you, depression is terrible and needs treatment, I suffered from depression and denied it for so long, I missed out on so much of my babies growing up, if I could turn back time I would have started on anti depressant tablets, gone to therapy and got as much help as possible, I know when you are depressed it is difficult to actually think sensibly and realise what help you need, but the sooner you get help the sooner you get better, and if it relapses you recongnise the signs and can respond quicker, it is always good to have a spotter, someone who you trust who loves you unconditionally who can tell u that something is not right, you will probably deny it but someone else bringing it to your attention can sometimes be the wakeup call as to why you are feeling terrible, you are not alone, beyond blue can help as well. and make sure that you continue with treatment with your gp, and enjoy your babies, as they are little for such a short period of time.


  • Hope all is going well for you now. Studying and looking after children is so hard. My neice puts her child into daycare to give her ‘me time’ and also to study. We all have down times when the kids are little, we are not supermums though we sometimes try too hard to be.


  • Don’t feel guilty try but some tim for yourself


  • Please don’t feel that way. So many people have depression at some time in their life, so you can bet that many of the happy smiling photos you see are hiding someone’s real feelings….the important thing is that you recognised there was a problem and sought help. Rest assured you are not a ‘horrible mother’ simply for having depression! And believe me I struggle with the daily juggle, as you put it, and I’m sure every other mother does too….Remember nobody wants to put their worst side up on Facebook, we all try to present our best self to the world, but see if you can join a support group somewhere, even online, because you will feel better once you see that so many of us struggle. And make sure you get some ‘me time’ somehow – even if it’s hiring a babysitter to come to your house and mind the kids while you get some study done – I sought one out on a local Facebook group and the rate was very cheap ($10/hour) (and having them come to your house means you don’t have to stress about what’s going on, being present is good but you will get some ‘headspace’….Sometimes kids do seem to exist purely to drive you insane, but it’s about making sure you have some coping resources so that you are resilient enough to handle the endless juggle and struggles. Keep your chin up, you sound like someone who is a great mother, and you are doing great to be even studying while you have two kids, frankly I don’t know how you do it…. 🙂

    • I really like your idea of a babysitter at home.


  • Don’t feel guilty. You did the right thing to check it out and hopefully with the right care, its all up from here. I went through the same thing a few years back. Take time to care for yourself and try to fit in a walk outside everyday. Its amazing how much better you feel doing simple things for yourself. Then you can enjoy your children too. All the best.


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