

I really think one of the latest competitions on returning to work and breaking it down into steps for women is fantastic! I would have loved to have had something like that available. It is true often us women in the workforce quite often don’t let on how difficult it can be, as we get caught up in the daily grind. Please stay at home mums don’t think I’m saying that’s not a difficult job in its own as well. I really think the MoM team is listening to all those ladies who post questions about returning to the work force and organisation etc. Good on you MoM for that wonderful competition.

Posted anonymously, 21st June 2014

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  • yes this site does cater for all the different types of mums and that is great to see!

    • Mom’s does cater for everybody from all walks of life – plenty of diversity which is a good thing.


  • Stay at home or go to work, it’s all work – I get sick of the them and us attitudes of some people and women that work that have children making out they’re some kind of super heroes – no one is – we’re just mums the same as dads are dads. In case anyone is wondering, I worked outside of the home and never thought of myself as any different to those mums that didn’t.

    • The ‘Us and Them’ attitude is never helpful; I agree with this comment.


  • every mum is doing a good job, i stay at home but for me it means,…too much work without any pay


  • What amazes me, and sometimes makes me want to laugh, and other times to cry, is when people ask what you do, and you say “I’m a stay-at-home Mum”. They look at you and often say “Oh, so you don’t work then?”. Show me a stay-at-home Mum who doesn’t work & I’ll eat my hat.


  • It is hard for women who work and Mum’s that work will at times have the guilt of leaving their kids. It is not easy at all

    • Thanks for saying that because I do have that guilt and it is hard to deal with and I’m on my own, so I’m doing Fulltime and Fulltime parenting of a little one with allergies to food, asthma and a touch of ADHD even though he doesn’t need medication for his ADHD and has the sweetest little heart. It is still hard with the guilt of not being able to go to all the things most of the other parents do.


  • I think if it was easier and cheaper for child care then many more mums would return to the work force i think some people just get very annoyed that they are only working to pay child care fees.


  • It’s certainly a big issue for lots of women – very helpful.


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