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I just wish to share my story to raise a little awareness. Although I will not be naming names or schools ect…
This all happened last year when my oldest son was in Prep.
He started off the year good. About half way through term 1, he started to change. Become a little more aggressive at home and at school, his attitude was less that desirable. He had a lot of problems with bullying and kept insisting to take his comforting snuggle bear (Tishy) to school. I thought being first term, he was fine. In that first week, I got told he couldn’t have it, but made a point with the teacher that they still have a nap/quiet time and I’m sure they could allow it for then. Well, she did. However, starting the next week, she starting bring up excuse after excuse as to why he couldn’t have his bear at school with him – and he was REALLY wanting it with him. She would say he was hitting people with it, but she never stopped those kids from teasing him in the first place.
By 2nd term, I convinced my son to leave Tishy at home. He was going to school worried, unsure and uneasy and that’s when most of the problems started. He had hard times focussing, so his teacher was constantly getting up him. For lunch, he would spend them mostly at the office due to the fact of “having no hat”, but yet they never checked his (he ALWAYS had a hat in his bag). He was sent to the office one lunch because he had a hat that was a broad brimmed hat – he chose a hat his Nanny bought as a security thing, his other hat was also in the wash at the time…
His teacher was always complaining to me about him and I always tried to get to the bottom of it with my son, asking him questions, but he never really responded directly to my questions. Then he started saying his teacher was being mean to him half- way through term 2.
Term 3 came and my son dreaded school for the first day back. Within that first week, he was complaining of his teacher being mean. He was sent to the office nearly every day. In week 3, I dropped him off maybe 5 minutes late one day, and he had had a GREAT morning, no problems, so I thought he would have had a great day… I was wrong. I got a call at 10am saying that he was hiding under a desk and refusing to do his work. I had to go and get him and they were officially suspending him for the day. I asked him what happened, and he said his teacher was making him do this and do that, and that she was being mean.
Problems kept arrising, and he was at the office nearly everyday or kept from playing at lunch for this reason or that, having to sit and watch his classmates play on the playground at the port racks.
Term 4 came, we had relocated 5 hours away. He started his new school with NO problems. He had a fantastic time, and I saw the light beaming in his eyes again. I got my dad to pick up his school books from his old school to bring them when he came and visit, and as every curious mother would do, I had a flick through to see what he had been up to… Then I came across a “thoughts” journal that they apparently wrote in once a day. And it had a passage in it saying his teacher was mean so he does as he is told so he doesn’t get into trouble… on the opposite page was a thick, black scribble that looked so angry!! I felt so pissed off at myself that I did not listen to my son more when he needed me too! What a horrible thing to see after the horrid 3 terms we had went through with this teacher…
Although I am happy now that he is happy at his school where we are now =) He was here in term 4 for prep and we are now in term 4 for year 1! The worst that has happened is I have been called for a meeting just to see about a diagnosis of ADHD or something of the likes. We did get a diagnosis, although, he is settling down more and more. I am very proud of my son and all that he went through and found it in himself to give his new school the amazing time of day that he has!! He has made plenty of friends, and I don’t think he has had to sit out for 1 lunch or be sent to the office for his bad behaviour.
So just a message to you parents – listen to your child more!!
When my son kept saying his teacher was being mean, I knew something was wrong but I kept thinking there is no way a teacher would be like that… boy, was I wrong!! If only I was a fly on the wall when he was in her class!!
Posted by JessyJade, 11th November 2015
mom94125 said
- 29 Dec 2015
JessyJade190490 said
- 14 Nov 2015
Emma said
- 13 Nov 2015
JessyJade190490 said
- 13 Nov 2015
mom93821 replied
- 15 Nov 2015 , 7:49 am
mum4107 said
- 13 Nov 2015
mom81879 said
- 12 Nov 2015
JessyJade190490 said
- 11 Nov 2015
mom93821 said
- 11 Nov 2015
mom165081 said
- 11 Nov 2015
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