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Our 14yo is having constant back and neck aches, ad the doctor has put it down to the weight of school bag
I had been hearing complains about the weight of the school bag, and to be honest I thought at first “yes we all have been there” BUT after trying to pick it up and almost giving myself a hernia – I can understand why!!
Between school books and laptop, and all the “wotnots” needed for school – the bag is so very heavy, I can not understand HOW a school can expect kids to carry so much each day!
They say they provide lockers to save the kids carrying everything – but that is not practical when all the books and laptops are needed for homework .. and therefore must be carted to and from school !
We have racked our brain and can come up with a solution to help ease the burden (quite literally) anyone able to keep heir teens school bag “light” ?
It is not right when there is back aches and neck strains all over school work :/
Posted anonymously, 28th May 2014
mom94125 said
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