

I would like to thank the mothers and publishers who contribute to this web page contender. I get all my advice from here as my own mother is of no help to me, I’m a single mum with a horrible ex partner.. Sometimes I find myself lost and upset a lot. So I come here for advice, I have no one else and everyone here is full of great advice, recipes, comps, activities ect. I don’t know what I would do without you ALL! So thanx EVERYONE for all your support and advice.xo

Posted by shelley shelley, 31st May 2015

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  • Thanks for your post,wishing you all the best in the future! Cheers!


  • May this website give you the confidence and support that you need. I think a lot of times family can’t really help anyway , as it is up to us to open up our minds to different ideas and if you can do that you are already on your way up . May you feel better everyday .


  • Not sure if I have given you any but thanks


  • I love this community.. Yes it’s virtual and I’m sitting in front of my computer, but the words of support and the interesting articles make my day!


  • I am on here just about everyday and get advice and recipes etc from here too. Glad to know we have a community of like minded mothers who can support and help each other.


  • This is a gorgeous and caring community as evidenced by all of the thoughtful answers. x :)


  • it is good to have an outlet for all this kind of stuff


  • So glad to hear of your food experience. I’ve been so surprised how helpful this site has been as well. It’s also fun contributing and adding comments or recipes. Saves my sanity during night feeds :)


  • It’s good to see that this website is reaching so many different mums and helping them out. I love this website and the contributors.


  • I’m glad you feel you have the help & advice from other Mums on here, it’s a great place to be apart of a community without leaving your home.


  • What a beautiful and heartfelt post shelley shelley, I am so pleased you are receiving the support and advice you require. When in need of a sympathetic ear just holla and we will be on hand with loving care. Sending hugs your way. :-)


  • Thanks, I like to think my input might help someone.


  • I’m happy that you get support from here. Hugs


  • You wrote so many beautiful words. It’s so nice that you found a community that can help you so much! :-)


  • I’m so glad you can get some support here. I hope your situation improves soon. I get heaps of advice here too, not to mention delicious recipes!

    • this site has such a wonderful community feel to it!


  • Sorry to hear of your situation but I am so happy that this site is a help to you and supports you. I am pleased that all of the Mom’s can support you too. Mom’s should support and nurture each other. x :)


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