18 Comment
I can’t believe the rudeness of some people these days! And don’t get me wrong- I’ve met some lovely people selling things on Facebook, but I’ve also met a lot of rude ones along the way! I don’t understand why it is that if people say that they want to purchase something, why they can’t follow through! I don’t care if people have changed their mind and don’t want the item anymore, but please just tell me you don’t want it- don’t make a time with me that you are going to come and just don’t show up. Don’t wait for me to contact you to then go ‘oh, sorry! I forgot.’ Just be reliable and respectful and realise that other people have lives too. Other people may have plans that you are actually interfering with by not showing up.
One of the best ones that I have had thus far was that someone said that they would buy an adorable wooden ride on horse that I had purchased for my daughter, but she never really used (she just never seemed to be interested in playing with it, so I decided to sell it). One lady said that she would buy it for the $25 that I had it listed for (it was worth $50 new), she ever said that she would like to get it on a specific day and that she would confirm a time with me. I sent her about three messages after that asking if she was coming and did she still want the horse? No answer. As a lot of you may be familiar, when you are selling things on Facebook you can ‘BUMP’ (stands for ‘bring up my post’) ever 24 hours on most pages, and she had obviously been watching me do this every day for a month. Out of the blue she sends me a private message saying- I’ll take the horse for $10. I was absolutely astounded! That she actually thought that that was okay and that I would agree to it after she snubbed me, and to ask me to reduce the price by over half! In the end I did sell the horse to someone else a few weeks later for $20, so persistence really does pay off!
Posted by sars_angelchik, 29th June 2016
kcjfamily9 said
- 09 Jul 2016
june11 said
- 08 Jul 2016
mom111059 said
- 08 Jul 2016
mom70876 said
- 08 Jul 2016
sars_angelchik replied
- 13 Jul 2016 , 1:45 pm
mum4107 said
- 02 Jul 2016
sars_angelchik replied
- 13 Jul 2016 , 1:44 pm
mom112217 said
- 01 Jul 2016
BellaB said
- 30 Jun 2016
mom90758 said
- 30 Jun 2016
sars_angelchik replied
- 01 Jul 2016 , 9:48 am
mom90758 replied
- 01 Jul 2016 , 1:50 pm
sars_angelchik said
- 30 Jun 2016
mom90758 said
- 29 Jun 2016
mom93821 said
- 29 Jun 2016
mom93821 replied
- 30 Jun 2016 , 5:19 am
mom56312 said
- 29 Jun 2016
sars_angelchik replied
- 30 Jun 2016 , 8:59 am
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