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Remember that feeling when you first find out you are pregnant, you are happy but oh so scared, I am ready for this?, is it the right thing?, can I handle this? I thought this would be the last time I felt like this, but I was soon to learn that launching a business feels just the same. After spending many hours preparing and researching and money, it was finally time to release my company into the world, I was just as scared and happy as I was when I found out I was pregnant, because this was my baby, so much time had gone into to it, and like my child I wanted to see it blossom, but as with a child it with things many not always go as planned. The fear that all that effort has gone waste. After 4 months of releasing my business I still get this feeling, as do I with my daughter every time she does something new.
Posted by Imogen K, 14th April 2015
BellaB said
- 22 May 2016
mom81879 said
- 21 Sep 2015
dannsbuild said
- 14 Sep 2015
Kell said
- 08 Jun 2015
mom57522 said
- 03 Jun 2015
smiles said
- 25 Apr 2015
mom93821 said
- 15 Apr 2015
BellaB said
- 14 Apr 2015
mom93821 replied
- 16 Apr 2015 , 5:50 am
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