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After having dd2 I found myself in a slump. I was Tired cranky and pretty much over day to day life. I was doing the same old thing day in day out and it was taking a toll on me.
Finally it clicked when I was having another snappy tantrum, that I have no “me” time! I decided what better way to spend my “me” time than doing something productive. I needed to shift some weight and I’ve heard exercise creates happy endorphins.
In a moment of insanity, I joined BOOTCAMP!!!!
My first session was extremely daunting, all of the woman there had done it previously. So I put my big girl undies on and sucked it up. Our trainer put us through testing running jumping commando crawling planks BURPEES push ups. Although Ive never ran in my adult life I gave it a red hot go and was very proud of myself for not only showing up but completing the first session.
The next day I thought I was going to die! First task moving! It did take a while but I managed to get out of bed. Then came the worst part of my day, going to the toilet. I couldn’t complete this task without my leg muscles aching in the end I resorted to plonking straight on the toilet so I would get to the seat faster. There were muscles in my body that I didn’t realise existed! My trainer told me to go for a walk the days in between to stretch out my muscle, this worked amazing not only for my muscles but for my mind.
I now do Bootcamp Monday Wednesday and Fridays and walk the days in between and completed my first fun run 5km walk/run last month. I am a much happier mother/wife. I’m not snappy anymore unless someone doesn’t replace an empty toilet roll, which I think is fair game. I also may have turned slightly crazy because I LOVE BOOTCAMP!!
Posted by sarzi, 2nd April 2013
BellaB said
- 28 May 2016
mom81879 said
- 08 Nov 2015
mom113055 said
- 17 Apr 2015
mom113055 said
- 09 Apr 2015
mom57522 said
- 26 Dec 2014
jodie80 said
- 31 Mar 2014
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