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I’m having trouble with my recently turned 3 year old going to bed at night. He keeps wondering back out to wherever we are or calling us back in to tuck him in or coming out as he forgot something ridiculous like his baby sisters rocker wasn’t put back in the right place. My husband and I don’t know what to do. It’s the same wether he has a nap or not during the afternoon. He has a bedtime routine – bath, milk, bedtime story, bed. We’ve tried everything we can think of – sitting and talking to him, asking why he keeps getting up which the only response we get is I don’t want to, taking away activities (I know some mums will disagree), offering rewards for good behaviour. It’s now at the point where he wakes his brother and sister up and it has a spiralling effect from there as its very hard to get all 3 to sleep at the same time. My kids used to have 11 hrs of sleep a night. Now they are lucky to get 6 which makes the following day awful as everyone is tired, everyone is emotional and then there is me who sometimes only gets 2-3hrs sleep. It’s been a hard week and I know others have been doing this for a lot longer but all my kids have been good sleepers, I don’t know what has changed. I’m a tired, frustrated mum. Thanks for listening.
Posted by chicken83, 21st May 2013
mom113055 said
- 13 Apr 2015
mom57522 said
- 02 Jan 2015
aussiemum said
- 28 Feb 2014
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