
9 Comment

ok guys i have 4 kids and my youngest has just turned 2.
my other 3 were day trained by there second birthday but miss madam here just doesn’t quite get it yet.
should i be concerned ? and should i keep encouraging her or just wait till she lets me no she is ready 🙂

Posted by mums-info, 11th May 2014

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  • thanks every one for your feed back 🙂


  • I also worried about my twins, they are nearly 3
    have kindy next yr and need to use the toilet
    my older child was toilet trained early and I really worry about the twins


  • Both of mine weren’t trained til they were 3, just in time for 3yo kinder. But it was worth the wait, they never had an accident while we were out and it seemed that once they got it they were ready.


  • I would not be concerned at all – some kids don’t get it until they are three or four so you are doing really well!


  • I had a Miss difficult, who was terrified to do poo’s no the toilet. I can still remember her being 3 and going to bed with no nappy but come afternoon poo time she refused to go on the toilet. She finally started going when I had given up.


  • I wouldn’t be concerned just yet still carry on with encouraging her to use the potty but don’t let her see you getting upset over her not doing it yet, I’m sure your be surprised the moment you don’t think about it to much she will start using it 🙂 good luck


  • it;s not unusual at that age but you can also you a sticker system as on for going to the toilet one for flushing the toilet one for sitting on toilet/potty. One for being able to pull down their pants/kickers and for also pulling them back up. Lets face it kids love stickers but she can only stick a sticker on the paper plan you have made up. My daughter is doing this with her son and keeps the reward sticker chat on the wall near the toilet


  • I would just let her tell you when she’s ready. I definitely think you can still encourage her, let her go into the bathroom with you, sit on the toilet/potty if she feels like it etc but I think if you persevere it’ll just be more stressful and time consuming. Admittedly I haven’t toilet trained yet so I may not know what I’m talking about 😛 but I’ve done a lot of research and that’s what’s come up the most. Good luck!


  • Don’t be concerned, all children do it there on way.. Just keep encouraging her she will get it in her own time


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