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With my first child I was new at everything and had been told that toilet training can be a long process. So I took a deep breath and started toilet training him when he was 2 1/2. He had already shown signs that he was ready and it went quite smoothly and he was trained day and night in a couple of weeks. So when it came to training my second I thought Ah it’s a breeze I don’t know what everyone was talking about! Umm yeah well I soon found out every child is different. I started at ruffly around 2 1/2 but it was a constant battle for him, not necessarily to go to the toilet but to actually make it to the toilet on time. With him it was “I need to go to the toilet” and you literally had seconds to get him to the toilet or he would wet himself. Thinking that it was all just a matter of time I persevered but although he was out of nappies and in undies it was not unusual if he wet his pants. He turned 4 and started kindy and at this stage he was pretty good and going during the day provided the toilet was not far away but he was still in nappies at night. But still it was always a rush to go to the toilet when he did need to go. By the end of the Kindy year he had only wet himself around 4 times at the kindy and slightly more than that at home but in a year it looked like it was getting better and but not at nights. Then it was time to start school he had turned 5 and I was confident that he was doing ok. His classroom had a set of toilet just off the classroom but he came home a lot of the time having wet his pants. He has slightly improved since then but now that his younger brother is toilet trained both day and night and is just over 2 1/2 I am worried that there is a problem. My youngest again was a breeze to toilet train so it makes me wonder… does my middle child need more help? He seems to constantly ‘rush’ to the toilet but at the same time in a space of 45 min he will go 3 times! So now I am thinking can he not ‘hold on’? Perhaps he has a small bladder? Or is it just normal? I understand that night time can take a lot longer but I wonder at what age I need to start worrying? I have since heard of physio, Bed wetting alarms etc can help. So I am now in the middle of research to hopefully find out whether I need to look into other way of helping him or whether to leave it and hope with time it will happen eventually.
Posted by smiles, 12th May 2013
mom57522 said
- 01 Jan 2015
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