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This morning I was prowling round my eldest son’s room, looking yet again for the source of the odd smell. I’d been looking for it for two or three weeks with no luck.

Master Four, who is almost toilet trained, was playing trains with his brother, and piped up: “Mummy, I did a good job! I got all the wee in the hole and didn’t spill any!”

“That’s good,” I said absentmindedly. Hang on. “Do you mean the hole in the toilet?”

“No,” he pointed. “That hole.”

“He wee’d in the heating vent,” big brother confirmed.

I began shouting demented things about germs, breaking the heating system, and toilets.

“I told him it was naughty,” big brother confirmed.

And Master Four just sat there, still pleased as punch and not realising how much trouble he was in.

Toilet training. So much fun.

Posted by BellaB, 14th August 2014

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  • Hahaha… the joys of parenting. My boys are no stranger to doing a pee where ever they are standing. Master 4 did one in the Woolies carpark one time


  • Haha my 1 year old decided he would try to copy his three year old brother and so here they are squatting on the balcony doing number two’s! I was putting a load of washing on and came back to discover how clever they thought they were :/


  • Oh the joys! My 3.5 year old just dacks himself in public and wee’ son the grass… Even when it’s in the public playground or botanical gardens! Very embarrassing! Hasn’t got to electrical appliances yet LOL


  • this will be something to look back on!


  • OMG I am so scared that I have to start toilet training my little one soon.


  • I’m scared to toilet train for this very reason!


  • ugh toilet training!


  • Completely different experiences with each of my children. Patience is the key word.


  • ah, the joy of loo training!


  • Hahaha! That’s priceless. I shouldn’t laugh too hard, I still have all of this to look forward to 😉


  • Haha awesome. My oldest is toilet trained, but I’m yet to start with number two. Can’t wait!


  • I have 2 nephews. a 2 year age gap. One morning their Mum heard the elder one say to the younger one “this is how you do it”. He had done a wee in the potty and was about to carry it to the toilet to empty it as he had seen his Mum do. It was almost full, and could have been spilt on the way there. The next generation, also a boy used to reckon somebody had to go with him. He went away on a holiday. Most of the time he goes by himself now. However he waits too long before he goes then has to run so he still has the occasional accident.


  • Lol. Sorry, still hilarious! 😀 I know we’re not supposed to comment on other mothers’ unfortunate stories with our own fortunate ones, (it’s a mummy taboo or something), but for the first time, I sat Master One on his new potty early-ish in the morning, and he sat and babbled at me for twenty minutes, happy as the proverbial…

    So after lunch I tried again… and he peed! Lmfao. I couldn’t believe it. My other three took many more attempts than this, and refused the potty after the first attempt… lol. I had to buy special toilet seat inserts and just hold them over the toilet itself. 😛

    This little guy is a champion. But I have to say, knowing a child of mine… it’s unlikely to be so easy time. 😛

    I guess what I’m saying is, kids are kids. They will always do what they want to, regardless of our preferences, opinions, or inputs. The best we can do, as their parents/caregivers, is guide them as best we can, toward a semi-acceptable version of normal. 😀

    You’re doing great, Mama. 🙂 You’ve got this.


  • lol – kids, gotta love em 😉


  • So true… We have yet to look forward to this!


  • Hahahaha! I’m sorry, but that’s hilarious! My Master One was standing in the middle of the living room this morning, took off his nappy, walked a few paces, and proceeded to take the biggest poop he’s ever produced! LOL! He then mooshed it into the carpet with his heel! Love that little guy so very much, but THAT was fun! Hahahaha!


  • sounds like urine a lot of trouble little man!


  • oh lordy, can’t top that story!!


  • Oh dear…hope you can look back and laugh one day


  • oh yeah i get this one my son is only 2 and i didn’t really want to start toilet training just yet but i have to because he takes his nappy off everywhere all the time.


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