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This morning I was prowling round my eldest son’s room, looking yet again for the source of the odd smell. I’d been looking for it for two or three weeks with no luck.

Master Four, who is almost toilet trained, was playing trains with his brother, and piped up: “Mummy, I did a good job! I got all the wee in the hole and didn’t spill any!”

“That’s good,” I said absentmindedly. Hang on. “Do you mean the hole in the toilet?”

“No,” he pointed. “That hole.”

“He wee’d in the heating vent,” big brother confirmed.

I began shouting demented things about germs, breaking the heating system, and toilets.

“I told him it was naughty,” big brother confirmed.

And Master Four just sat there, still pleased as punch and not realising how much trouble he was in.

Toilet training. So much fun.

Posted by BellaB, 14th August 2014

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  • toilet training was going so well for my daughter now she like to pee in cups!


  • sounds awesome and great to read


  • looks great


  • hahaha but oh no. They do some incredible stuff that if we don’t laugh we would cry.


  • Well he did get it all in the hole! LOL


  • Lol, I love this story. I have a 3yo son who some how managed to pee across the floor, up the walls, on the cistern, all over the step, the loo paper & himself from a seated position! They are just so proud when they hit THEIR target. Thanks for the heads up, I will now be on the lookout for hidden pee 🙂

    • omg that is so damn funny! i think that wouldn’t have been fun to clean up though! i have a two year old son, who i will be potty training and i just don’t know about the “hose” effect lol. at least girls are easy to train in that regard.


  • My son did something similar & urinated in the portable air conditioner tube


  • Sorry but I did have a little laugh while reading this.
    Sometimes I think kids really are just sent to try our patients,.
    Hopefully he doesn’t do it again and at least you now know what the smell is.

    • Oh, I posted it because I figured OTHER people would find it funny! I probably will too in a week or two…

      • Oh no! Well I guess if you can’t find the funny side of it now, you will in a few years time. Thanks for sharing it with us.


  • what can I say kids do the darnedest things and are still so proud as long as they hit their aim. I hope you get him out of this new spot and back onto the right spot to wee


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