

It was all a little bit too quiet, so I went to investigate. In the bathroom, I found my little one having a delightful game of ‘toothbrush families”. She had lined all our toothbrushes up according to size and had made them a warm bed out of face washers. So very sweet!

Posted anonymously, 25th June 2015

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  • It’s a wonder the bath or hand basin wasn’t getting cleaned with one of them. I have kids that come to stay sometimes. They have a toothbrush each in a holder. I caught the older one playing with half of the younger one’s cover in water in the basin. The plug was in and she had washed her dirty hands in the water first.


  • So funny and cute, my daughter use to play with weird things too, kids have awesome imaginations!


  • I hide my toothbrush from my kids.. A number of times I have caught them using it to brush their own teeth and I don’t like sharing my toothbrush! so icky!!!


  • How cute! The imagination of the little ones is a wonderful thing to witness.

    • Sorry, forgot to say Thanks for sharing!


  • so cute. just shows you that you don’t need fancy expensive toys, toothbrushes are just fine!!


  • Aww, how sweet! So funny how everything has to be part of a family at that age!


  • oh that is much better than finding toothpaste everywhere or hair gel everywhere lol

    • True! True! Shaving cream is always such a temptation! ;)

      • Hair gel is the worst when it’s smeared on tiles.. So hard to scrub off!


  • That is so sweet; I bet she was making up a story as she does that as well.


  • Oh! Little one! They’ve got a lot of imagination, haven’t they? :-)


  • A very cute story! Thanks for sharing! :)


  • Very sweet – and far tidier than my kids!


  • Awwww how cute is that


  • Wow now that’s what I call imagination and creative play. Well done little one.
    So cute and sweet. :-)


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