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It is funny that we call it “falling pregnant”. It is times like these that I find English incomprehensible.

I dont know about all the mommies out there but to me, one don’t just ‘fall’ pregnant. It takes LOTS of hard work – timing, temperature, overall emotion, overall health, etc etc etc.

My partner and I have decided that perhaps we should have another child – that decision was at least 1 year ago. LO is now almost 3yo. And up to today, I’m still waiting to ‘fall’ pregnant. Initial excitement of wanting to build a bigger family is now becoming a stressful time. There has been 2 instances now where there is a skipped ‘period’ and we were hopeful. Hope is dashed when I see the red stain. Sigh! We’ve tried timing (it is the third month now of ‘enlisting’ the help of digital ovulation device), done blood test, temperature, etc etc etc – short of getting an appointment with an IVF specialist. As I didn’t get medical help to be pregnant with my first child, I’m giving myself another 2 months (fingers crossed that it will be good news) after which i’ll resign to the fact that I may need specialist help… am I just being too proud to accept the help of an IVF specialist?

Posted by jocelynwong31, 21st November 2013

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  • How is the falling pregnant going?


  • Wish you luck for your program to fall pregnant.


  • I’m signing the papers for IVF today…


  • your not harming anyone going through ivf. i did it for years but its so expensive


  • I remember trying to ‘fall’ pregnant. I did it all – the ovulation kids, the diet, the not-thinking about it (but always thinking about it), acupuncture, chinese herbs, temperature etc……. It’s so frustrating and not a little bit heartbreaking in that you only get one shot at it a month. In the end we had to go through IVF and it was a mental process I had to go through. I had to grieve that we couldn’t do it naturally and that we had to spend so much money on having a shot at something that people can have by mistake! I ended up with my 2 lovely children though and at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how they got here, only that they ARE here. I understand your hesitancy in not wanting to jump down the IVF route too fast. I’m hoping that you ‘fall’ before you have to make that decision.

    Good luck.


  • Thank you Pamela for your encouragement! *Hugs* for being so strong to persevere after 10 miscarriages! I had 3 miscarriages before having my first and only child.
    Memo, glad that you also found the ‘recipe’ to fall pregnant with your second child!
    PreggieGoddess01, enjoy your 2nd trimester!


  • Stress from anything makes it impossible to happen. My struggle this year was caused by stress. Even stress from trying to concieve stops you. I spoke to my GP about it and they recommended I take a month off work which I just thought was ridiculous (as I couldn’t take a holiday to fall pregnant! lol) but I think that her saying that just made me stop worrying about it for a bit. I decided to just think about having less stress in my life for a while and getting healthier and boom- it happened. I found out at 6-8 weeks of pregnancy,k walked into work with a doctors letter stating my pregnancy was high risk and that I shouldn’t work under stressful conditions and I’m being paid leave through my super fund and happily pregnant at 21 weeks now.


  • so true, when we stopped ‘trying’ was when we fell pregnant with our second child.


  • Don’t give up hope hun. I know it’s hard and how hard it is when you want to conceive so bad. You do everything you can to get pregnant. And yet nothing happens. The disappointment when you are late for your period, so you think you are pregnant and there is a shimmer of hope which is quickly taken away. I’ve had well over 10 miscarriages so I know too well what your going through, but I now have 4 beautiful daughters. You wanna know my secret to conceiving…. I just stopped trying to fall pregnant. Didn’t think about pregnancy at all and hey presto a baby was made. I found that no matter how hard I tried I just couldn’t get pregnant again after each miscarriage. Good luck, don’t sell yourself short. Save your money for now as IVF is a very expensive avenue to go down and it may not be all that successful for you. I pray you conceive very soon.


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