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Not sure if anyone can help me here… My daughet is 3.5 years old and since septempber last year has had recurrent UTI’s.. We have had scans done, repeated urine samples, i have re-taught her how to wipe and have spoken with her about toilet ettiquete so to speak… We are waiting for a specialist to see her, but her scans have come back clear… I’m frustrated and feel horrible that i have to always ask her, ddid you wipe properly, did yu wash your hands, are you sre you are finished and dont need to try a bit more… And i know she is frustrated that i have to follow her to the toilet all the time.. Is there any one who has been through a smiliar thing??? And how has it been resolved?

Posted by aklunnay, 27th April 2013

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  • Can I suggest that you check that she is in fact wiping herself properly? Is she wiping herself too hard, from back to front instead of the correct way.
    Continuous UTIs could have an adverse effect on her kidneys. I hope you get answers before things get worse. Maybe talk to her about the symptoms if she can understand and aks hr to tell you as soon as she feels them. Having said that I had one a couple of years ago but had no of the common symptoms. Mine was found when I started vomitting and could retain slow sips of water, then developed a high temeperature which didn’t reduce with normal procedure and was taken to hospital by ambulance as I had a fall.


  • good nice story


  • How frustrating! Have you been able to get to the bottom if it? No pun intended.


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