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I was away over Xmas and New Year. During this time, my partner took our 15 yo dog to the vet to be put down. His testicles and back leg had become swollen and he was having some difficulty moving around. My partner thought he was suffering and after a couple of days of no improvement, he made the call to the vet. When he rang he said he thinks his dog needs to be put down. An appointment was made. He drove to the vet and was given a form to fill in. He filled it in and returned to the car to sit with our dog. Not long after, the vet come out, needle in hand. My partner asked if she could have a look at our old boy and let him know what the problem is. The vet responded with “Look at him? I’m here to euthanise him aren’t I? You filled the form in for euthanasia……”
to which my partner replied, ” Yeah I did, but I would like to know what’s wrong with him.” She did a quick 5 second look and said it was most likely a blocked fluid gland possibly caused by our old boy laying too long in one spot. Then she proceeded to inject him. Not even 20 seconds and he was gone ????????
When I got home, I contacted the vet for more information. I was told our beautiful old boy had a testicular tumour that had spread to his lymphatic system, it was inoperable and euthanasia was the best option.
This info has rolled round and round my head. Why 2 different diagnoses? How could a tumour that had spread be diagnosed just by looking?
Now I’m even more heartbroken thinking he is no longer with us but should be! Why wasn’t the time taken for a thouroughly examination to make a proper diagnosis? Why tell my partner one thing and the senior vet at the practice sonething different? I just don’t know what to do. I don’t even know if I should do anything as nothing will bring our wonderful old man back.
What of fellow MoMs members think?
Posted anonymously, 25th February 2017
mom81879 said
- 26 Feb 2017
Post a comment1:27 pm
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