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I wanted to post this to give people hope that when you’re having a rough time…..as hard as it is to believe it won’t change, positive things can happen 🙂

About a year & half ago, I moved my son & myself out west (with my boyfriend at the time). I wanted to change our lives, show my son what its like to live in the country. We were planning to have a child but then things went from great to devastating. I found out my mum was very sick & had to undergo surgery that had a high chance of not surviving. Thankfully, she pulled through 🙂

I ended up in a custody battle with my ex & my boyfriend & I had his family interfere & ended up breaking up. I was in the middle of nowhere, with no friends & fighting for my son.

I relocated to the city, got custody of my boy, & started living my life again. Even though I was heartbroken from the breakup, I felt revamped because I had my independence again. My son & I were happy in our new place with everything falling into place.

I was content with my life, my gorgeous little man & me. I was happy just being us. My son, family & friends & me.

My Mum rang & said she was coming to stay, she wanted to see myself & my boy. She didn’t say why & I didn’t ask, she was here within days & a week later, while on holidays with us, she fell asleep & didn’t wake up. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to face. Dealing with the ambulance officers, police & funeral arrangements, not to mention telling my family. I am so thankful to this day to my friends & family who stood by my side through all of it.

About 2 weeks after the funeral, a mate came & picked me up just to get me out of the house for a bit before picking my son up. I got off the bike & met his friend. We hit it off & began dating. He understood how hard of a time I was having & was so patient with me. He had been told for 14 years he couldn’t have kids. He just wanted to share his life with someone who was honest & open & ok with not having any kids with him. The way him & my son hit it off was fantastic as well.

He proposed to me not long after!! Of course I said yes!!

A couple of months later, I rang him at work & asked him what % the dr gave him of having kids. He said it was about 3% chance. My response, well um hun…..that 3% has happened because I’m pregnant!!! I thought he’d passed out he was so quiet!!!

Our baby boy is due in 6 weeks & we are getting married in May next year. Even though my best friend, Mum won’t be here for it all in person, I know she was up there pushing things along & she’ll be there in spirit.

It nice to know, good things DO come to those who wait 🙂

Posted by nicki.d, 16th July 2013

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  • the story is exellent


  • Talking about beating the odds!


  • I am so glad that you have come to meet a lovely man who is going to be a dad after all. You have found happiness after going through so much.


  • What a beautiful story. Reading this really lifted my spirits. 🙂


  • Thank you for sharing that story and for carrying on. Good luck with your new little family member and with everything. GOOD ON YOU!!!!!


  • That is the most beautiful story. Through heartbreak and tragedy you have found happiness and support. It gives me hope that if you hang in there long enough things will fall into place. I thank you very much for sharing and terribly sorry to hear of your mothers passing.


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